Wollaston Hill Neighborhood Association Meeting

On March 14th meeting the Wollaston Hill Neighborhood Association held its quarterly meeting at the Wollaston Elementary School to review their 2016 event calendar, elect new officers, hear a legislative update from State Senator John Keenan, and a local Ward 3 update from newly elected Ward 3 Council member Ian Cain.

The meeting opened with a presentation of the 2016 event calendar, featuring a number of civic and social events.  

  • Saturday May 7th, 9am to 11am the association will participate in the Cleaner Greener Quincy Day run by the City of Quincy, sponsoring both Safford Park at 166 Beale St and Forbes Hill Park near the Furnace Brook Golf Club.

  • Saturday June 18th 1pm to 5pm the association, partnering with Ward 3 City Councilor Ian Cain and Discovery Quincy, will be starting PorchFest Quincy, a free neighborhood music festival open to the public.  Come hear music of all styles walking the neighborhood enjoying a summer day meeting and friends.  Find out more or get involved, visit www.PorchFestQuincy.org.

  • Sunday July 10th, noon - 3pm join your neighbors for a potluck cookout with music and activities for the family.

  • Friday August 19th, 7pm - 9pm the association will host a free Family Movie Night at Safford Park.  Movie move will be announced soon.  Bring some lawn-chairs and join us for this back-to-school event!

  • Please visit the website for details on these and other events - www.WollastonHill.com

The association voted in Bryan Enos as Treasurer for the association.  The association is very happy to have Mr. Enos onboard to help out.  Mr. Enos has a long standing history of community contribution through the Wollaston Elementary School PTO and the Boy Scouts of America.

State Senator John Keenan provided a legislative update on a number of topics, including the state budget, the process for which is in full swing.  The budget process and timeline was explained, and Senator Keenan outlined a few topics at hand, including the cap on Charter Schools, state college funding, mental health, substance abuse, and legislation pertaining to Uber & taxi cabs.  Senator Keenan also addressed a topic of discussion from previous association meeting pertaining the perceived need for a housing court resource for Norfolk County.  This housing count resource would help manage more specialized housing related legal issues currently handled in the general court.  For more information about these topics please contact Senator Keenan’s office at http://www.senatorjohnkeenan.com.

Ward 3 City Councilor Ian Cain addressed the association for the first time as City Councilor, where he explained the function and process of his role in on the City council.  Councilor Cain also identified a number of topics before the city council such as FEMA maps, pedestrian safety, Quincy Hospital, and others.  Councilor Cain also described the council role in the permitting process, identifying both a proposed new hotel at the former site of Work, Inc. and a proposed multi-unit building on 151 Granite St.  The next Quincy City Council meeting is on March 21st, 2016.  For more information about these topics please contact Councilor Ian Cain at www.iancain.org.