WHNA Spring Meeting Minutes

  • 4/24/2019, 6:30pm at the Wollaston Elementary School

  • 6:35pm: Wally Hubley begins meeting and introduces agenda

    • Update on Cleaner Greener

    • Saturday, May 4th - Meet at Safford Park at 9am

    • Traditionally had 2 groups: one at Safford Park, one at Forbes Park

    • Trash cleanup, mulch spread

    • Then we meet up at Pageant Field after at noon

    • Bob will send out a reminder early next week

    • Kathy will pick up materials/tools ahead of time

    • If you RSVP with your shirt size we will try to pick up a free shirt for you the day before.

  • Update on Saturday in the Park

    • Approved by Parks Board unanimously

    • Next step in coming weeks: getting alcohol license

    • [Wally then went through PPT presentation that he gave to the Parks Board]

    • Brian Enos: Do we need police detail?

      • Wally: Yes, will reach out

    • B.E.: Optional donations to support event?

  • Wally: looking into sponsors + we will have proceeds from beer trucks

  • Bob LaRocca: Will we be marketing/advertising through both social and signage?

    • Wally: Yes

  • Update on Porchfest

    • Running similar to last year; only change: drawing a tighter geographic box around possible host porches -- make it more concentrated

    • BL: Harder to find new porches?

      • Wally: No

    • Registration update: 64 bands, 46 porches in Merrymount, Squantum, Wollaston Hill

  • Wally then ran through remaining events for the year

    • What else do we want to prioritize for the year?

    • Development is a big topic (whether too much or not enough)

    • Possibly have Mayor’s Office come to explain Urban Renewal District

    • Explain new parking enforcement

    • Explain new recycling requirements

    • Explain loss of trees

    • In previous years, “gas leaks” was on the agenda.

  • 7:25pm: Meeting Adjourn